I love E3. The surprises, the meltdowns and sheer hype behind the marketing machine is fully on show; but I can’t help myself. This year Bethesda had the honour of kicking off the show with a presentation that happened at 3 a.m UK time. I didn’t watch it, even I have limits, but the star of the show was undoubtedly the latest entry in the Fallout series; Fallout 4. The game is set to take place in Boston and is already being talked up by the press as a possible game of the year contender.
The game is beautiful; using the latest edition of Bethesda’s multi purpose open world engine. The world, too, is massive; with land stretching out as far as the eye can see but, crucially, the scale isn’t just for show. This is a detailed world, full of adventure and possibilities. It’s densely packed with stories and intrigue. Coupled with some of the games newer systems then Fallout 4 is sure to be a hit when it launches in November of this year.