Online DVD Rental and Streaming Service Providers.

What is the best way to watch films and T.V shows these days? The days of Blockbuster and fixed based video & DVD rental stores is gone; only to be replaced with online streaming services and film-by post rentals from the former Lovefilm company, who were brought out by Amazon. There are 3 main contenders out there for paid online streaming of the latest movies, music and games; those are NowTV, Amazon video, and Netflix; there may be others, but they are simply not worth mentioning. Now T.V is basically an extension of the Sky TV channels, though available as online content to stream; there are 3 packages available: Sky...

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Japanese Games Are Coming to Steam

For too long Japanese games have not, for whatever reason, engaged with the PC gaming market. They have focused on handhelds, on phones and on consoles for almost three decades. Over the past couple of years though we have seen a number of higher profile Japanese games finally work their way onto the PC – with mixed results. Some struggle to offer the options that PC gamers are used to – Dark Souls being one of the first examples. Since then, though, the maturity is improving. The options, too, are growing. Without fail, though, the success of these games have proved to be very good – especially to the developers...

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Handheld Gaming

So I have been in London now for a grand total of 5 weeks and, in that time, I have spent a lot less time gaming than I perhaps would have normally. I have played a little bit of Playstation 4 in that time, and an even smaller amount of PC gaming, but I have managed to bring my 3DS and my Playstation Vita with me to London. Despite that I still have only managed, maybe, 5 or 6 hours over that month or so – but it’s crucial for me to have that little escape. I don’t take my handhelds on public transport – I have never understood the...

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Destiny: Rebooted and Retooled

Destiny launched to a lot of controversy. Lack of scope, maybe a lack of ambition, and a whole load of cut content and questionable design decisions plagued a launch and drew critics over the next twelve months. A couple of downloadable content chunks dropped after 3 and 6 months to keep people playing but, in truth, they did very little to address some of Destiny’s core problems.   But here we are, twelve months after the launch of the game, with more concurrent players than there were at the launch of the game. With the release of The Taken King Bungie have looked to “relaunch” Destiny. There have been a...

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Kickstarting Sequels

This is something I have not seen before, and was also something that I did not really expect. Following on from the massive success of Divinity: Original Sin (a recent Kickstarter smash hit) the studio behind the title, Larian, have announced that they are making a sequel; Divinity: Original Sin 2. I was excited; what a thing to announce out of the blue! The first was immense fun, especially with friends, so more of the same couldn’t possibly be bad!   The second game, too, will be a Kickstarter campaign, with a twist. The studio can afford to make the second game off their own backs, such was the success...

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